Mothers’ Day award ceremony organised by Allsorts Toddler Group
Do you know an amazing mum? On Thursday 12th March, we are going to be holding a special Mothers’ Day award ceremony organised by Allsorts Toddler Group (Bromley Town Church) and Bromley Brighter Beginnings.
This is your chance to nominate a friend, family member – or your own mum – for an award! We are not looking for drama, just stories of every day mums who deserve some appreciation. Stay at home mums, working mums, single mums, foster mums, grannies…. we want to hear about them all!
There are various categories in which to nominate people: please visit for full details. Closing date for nominations is 13th February.
This event is being supported by intu Bromley and Gymboree. All proceeds will go to Bromley Brighter Beginnings – so please get nominating and help make this a really special event.