We are only able to accept donations requested by our Family Liaison Volunteers for specific referrals. Listed below are some other local organisations who might appreciate your donations – please contact them directly.
The Red Box Project aims to quietly ensure that no young woman misses school or suffers embarrassment because she has her period.
It gives young women in need – whether for financial or social reasons – the reassurance of enough sanitary pads for their entire period plus a couple left over for next time. This is what makes it special.
It works by putting a red box filled with pads and pants into schools. Students take what’s needed, and then it gets topped up again, with donations from the community of women supporting the project.
The Lily Trust was set up to show love and compassion through the giving of essential, practical gifts which are not provided by other sources, and to support survivors of human trafficking and modern slavery. It also empowers those with a heart for survivors and a passion for justice to do something tangible. We are working in partnership with other charities, churches and community groups to make this a national initiative.
British Heart Foundation Furniture & Electrical shops
(free collection of large items): bhf.org.uk/shop/shop-with-us/furniture-and-electrical-shops